Founded in 1974, Pizzagroup began with the design and construction of special machines for the industrial sector, evolving its specialization into the production of pizza equipment. With high customer loyalty – 80% of customers remain 10+ years after their first purchase – the Pizzagroup ovens and equipment are the result of an all-Italian production chain, thanks to the Inox Valley that guarantees their construction quality and faster delivery times than the current market average. In-house customer assistance and specific consulting services on the packages produced improve the efficiency, performance and value of the product. This market-driven approach is particularly present in Pizzagroup USA, incorporated in 2022.
Creatività e tecnologia danno forma all’eccellenza italiana
Ciascun progetto e prodotto si distingue per la sua straordinaria unicità, è altamente personalizzato e non replicabile. La rigorosa attività di gestione apre la strada alla creatività, ne detta i tempi, e si fa promotrice di valore positivo, tutelando e promuovendo competenze e genialità.