For more than 15 years Oxin has been designing, producing, installing and maintaining kitchen systems on board passenger ships and large pleasure yachts.
This is a highly specialized sector with only a few players, given the barriers of entry imposed by strict hygiene and safety certification standards required by customers, large shipyards and ship owners. Oxin produces complete customized stainless steel systems with systemic constraints in terms of safety and energy efficiency, in the best Italian tradition of “Inox Valley” craftsmanship.
Creatività e tecnologia danno forma all’eccellenza italiana
Ciascun progetto e prodotto si distingue per la sua straordinaria unicità, è altamente personalizzato e non replicabile. La rigorosa attività di gestione apre la strada alla creatività, ne detta i tempi, e si fa promotrice di valore positivo, tutelando e promuovendo competenze e genialità.