Founded as a joint venture between Fabbrica USA and Somec Group in 2018, Fabbrica Works is a manufacturer of design elements, visual samples of particular finishes, and samples for performance testing at external laboratories. It also specializes in creating prototypes for testing the performance of air, water, thermal performance and seismic motion. In its short existence, Fabbrica Works’ key market is the US through its flagship company Fabbrica USA; the company has gained a lot of success in prototyping, recognized by customers (i.e. the main architectural firms in New York and New England), proving its leadership, which includes a large HR base and a technical and cultural heritage derived from the area in which it operates.
Creatività e tecnologia danno forma all’eccellenza italiana
Ciascun progetto e prodotto si distingue per la sua straordinaria unicità, è altamente personalizzato e non replicabile. La rigorosa attività di gestione apre la strada alla creatività, ne detta i tempi, e si fa promotrice di valore positivo, tutelando e promuovendo competenze e genialità.