AFM – Atelier de façades MontrealConcepteurs et d’ingénieurs en Façade
Atelier de Facades Montreal Inc is a design and engineering company specializing in custom curtain walls and building facade systems.The system is designed by a team of conceptual facade designers who develop the design and mechanics of the system, together with facade engineers, who must validate the design by meeting the structural and thermal performance required for the project. Entered into the orbit of Fabbrica USA in 2018, AFM develops designs and calculations in support of construction projects carried out by Fabbrica USA, Squadra and the other segment companies of the Somec Group
Creatività e tecnologia danno forma all’eccellenza italiana
Ciascun progetto e prodotto si distingue per la sua straordinaria unicità, è altamente personalizzato e non replicabile. La rigorosa attività di gestione apre la strada alla creatività, ne detta i tempi, e si fa promotrice di valore positivo, tutelando e promuovendo competenze e genialità.