The variety of natural stone is immense, each is unique and has special features that make it suitable for different applications. Knowing marble, onyx, travertine, sandstone, granite, quartzite and finding the right shade, veining or finish to offer architects is the first pillar of the organizational culture that distinguishes Budri. The company, founded in 1961, was led by the 2nd generation in the fusion of craftsmanship and technology, which today allows hard stones to be “worked” as if they were fabrics. Budri’s vision is to shape the hardness of marble by investing in its human resources and technology, with total freedom to create original designs. The exclusivity, not only artistic, that these natural materials offer architects for construction solutions in luxury residential and retail spaces is also about the discretion that surrounds Budri projects for High Net-Worth Individuals (HNWIs) and large groups operating in the high-end retail and hospitality sectors around the world.
Creatività e tecnologia danno forma all’eccellenza italiana
Ciascun progetto e prodotto si distingue per la sua straordinaria unicità, è altamente personalizzato e non replicabile. La rigorosa attività di gestione apre la strada alla creatività, ne detta i tempi, e si fa promotrice di valore positivo, tutelando e promuovendo competenze e genialità.